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Courtney Gwin

Your Honor Judge Kantor,

My Name is Courtney Gwin. I have know Audrey for approxomatly four years. When we worked together selling her art and peoples crafts, she showed me she is completely trust worthy and honest. In a situation like that she could easily have stolen without anyone knowing who it was she did not steel. We kept a thorough inventory and would know if things came up missing. In my experience people who steel make up excuses or rationalize it in some way, they are quick to defend those who steel. Audrey had a disdain for theft, an held no sympathy for it. She takes pride in her struggle to support herself with her art, and is even to prideful to ask for help when she needs it. She was wrongly convicted. Simply because one has tattoos does not make one a criminal. Unfortunately, in today's ignorant society people are often judged off of their appearance. The people who handle this case are likely underfunded and over worked. Audrey was likely judged by sight and not given a fare chance. You are judging an artist, a mother, a spiritual being, and an innocent person. Please look at her case again.

Courtney Gwin

May 9, 2016