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Suzanne Rexford

To Whom It May Concern

This letter is a character letter for Audrey Beth Cannon, hoping that it will do some good.

Audrey and I have gotten along very well since the very first time that we have met, she is a wholeheartedly good person, and will do anything for anybody, she has proven that through the years with not just my friendship, but with friendship with other people as well. She is a hard-working individual, that has had her ups and downs in life. She has always had some means and are ways to 'pull a magic rabbit out of a magic hat, to make her life better, without breaking any laws, or any trust with anybody.

She has gone out of her way multiple times for me personally, helped me out in more ways than anybody has ever done in my entire life, she gives herself endlessly away, to help out those that she cares about, and she finds ways to help others as many and multiple times that she can, that she is able to. Also, if she in unable to help her people that she is closest to, then she will contact other people that she knows, so that the whole networking thing, will help her friend, or whomever, that is in need.

Ever since we have know each other, she has never lied, cheated, or stolen anything from anybody. She has gone out of her way multiple times, for me, down to helping me find places to live, odd jobs, and even has come over, to cut my hair for me, when I was sick, among many other things. For this I am thoroughly indebted to her, forever. ...but that is what Great Friends do for each other.

Honestly, I love this girl with all of my heart and all of my soul. She could've been just like anybody else, called me there friend, and then looked the other way, when I was desperately needing something.

She has an extremely huge heart, and cares so much about everybody, and everything. This Whole Case is breaking my own heart, because she has such a Great One.

Yes, she has tattoos and piercings, big deal. We all live in Portland, and in Portland this is the norm.

Please look past all the tattoos and piercings, please look past any indiscretions that you might have somebody that has tattoos or piercings, or both.

Look instead at the good loving soul, that is before you, just fighting to survive, in this crazy world that we live. She is a stay-at-home Mother, that needs her children, and her children need her.

Yes, they have had a touch call in live recently, to where they have been homeless, but being homeless is not a crime, in this area, of the United States. Also, being homeless is not a crime, just like having tattoos or piercings are not crimes as well.

She is an awesome wife, an awesome mother, an awesome friend, and she means the world to everybody. Especially me.

Please look past all the indiscretions that you might see on her outside, and actually look at the person who is there in front of you, on the inside.

The undescribable waves of emotions that have been going through me since I found out about this, have been overwhelming, completely overwhelming. Reasons being, there is not any chance that she would've done this, there's not any chance that she would've ever thought about doing something like this, there is just not a chance in any hell that anybody might believe in, that she would be connected to any of this. It is completely out of character for her.

Please look at the person, just not what is on the outside, but really look at the person that is in front of you, for the good loving soul that she actually is.

Suzanne Rexford

May 11, 2016